Thinking of hiring a full-time marketing director? Compare that to working with us.

Considering a full-service ad agency? Compare that to working with Superus.

We’ll work collaboratively with you.
We may take the initiative and make recommendations, but it’s still your company.
Here’s what you can expect:
- Your marketing director will report to you on a consistent basis.
- You’re the last word on budgets and approvals.
- We’ll always show you creative options.
- We’re scalable so as to meet your growing needs.
- You pay only for what we execute.
- When we’re not working for you, you’re not paying us.
- We’re 100% accountable.
- We’ll always tell you what we think and expect you to do the same with us.
- We’ll work to earn your business project by project.
Want to know how we
would work for you?